30 11 22

Cooperation between Serbia and Montenegro in the Fight against Organised Crime

Reports, Research|

Cooperation between Serbia and Montenegro in the Fight against Organised Crime Organised criminal groups (OCGs) from Serbia and Montenegro play a significant role in the life of crime [...]

30 11 22

Meeting the Security Challenges of Open Borders: Law Enforcement Cooperation Needed Between Albania and Kosovo to Combat Organized Crime

Reports, Research|

Meeting the Security Challenges of Open Borders: Law Enforcement Cooperation Needed Between Albania and Kosovo to Combat Organized Crime Regional economic cooperation in the Western Balkans has been [...]

30 11 22

Mapping of the Regional Mechanisms in the Fight Against Organized Crime

Reports, Research|

Mapping of the Regional Mechanisms in the Fight Against Organized Crime The geographic position of the Western Balkans (WB) is suitable for the expansion of criminal networks. Despite [...]

03 04 21

Analysis of how Serbian institutions function in the fight against organized cybercrime

Reports, Research|

Analysis of how Serbian institutions function in the fight against organized cybercrime This study seeks to contribute to a better understanding of the fight against cybercrime in [...]

31 03 21

Falling short of commitments: how Western Balkan governments fight organized crime

Reports, Research|

Falling short of commitments: how Western Balkan governments fight organized crimee Fight against organised crime has been, at least at least according to officials’ statements, on top [...]

17 03 21

Mapping civil society responses in confronting organized crime in the Western Balkans

Reports, Research|

Mapping civil society responses in confronting organized crime in the Western Balkans Organised crime is a problem of such magnitude that it has limited the potential for [...]

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